October 12, 2022 @ 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

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Description: Each of these 4 sessions will provide content for coaches, administrators, parents, and volunteers to further their understanding of best principles and practices that are the foundation of a culture of continued improvement. Prior to each session, there will be an opportunity to consider your current level of knowledge; following each session you will ask and discuss questions, and reflect on what you have learned. We look forward to your engagement!

Presenter Bios: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L2bHII-hz4B_16wPu67wqmva81heDQTCT4YOgYRpGpA/edit?usp=sharing

1.Wed Oct 12
Cody Royle “Performance Lessons from Coaching the World’s Top Coaches”

2.Wed Oct 19
Kristen Dieffenbach “Effective Coaching: Investing in yourself to support your athletes”

3.Wed Oct 26
Per Lundstam – U.S. Ski & Snowboard Alpine Sport Science Director – “Youth Athletic Development and Skills Quest Fitness”

4.Wed Nov 2
Dylan Hale Thornton – Founder of Hale Creative Consulting, providing diversity, equity, and inclusion solutions for outdoor sports organizations with an emphasis on snow sports. “DEI: Barriers, benefits, and solutions to help create opportunities and supported program culture for underrepresented youth”

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